I am Gerry Desrian, a student majoring in Informatics Engineering at Bandung Technology University. I have a strong interest in backend development, specifically in creating efficient and scalable APIs. In addition to my coursework, I actively seek opportunities to enhance my skills through personal projects and collaborations. I am passionate about learning new technologies and best practices in software development, which helps me stay up-to-date with industry trends. Through continuous learning and hands-on experience, I aim to become a proficient backend developer and contribute to innovative solutions in the tech industry.
Developed Fweeble, a daily nutrition tracking app that helps users monitor their dietary intake and achieve nutritional goals. As a full-stack developer, I utilized Vue.js for the frontend, Node.js with Express for the backend, and MySQL for the database, ensuring seamless integration across the application. Implemented a calorie analysis feature for food items using Gemini AI, providing accurate nutritional estimates through image recognition.
Developed an inventory management system backend utilizing Passport.js for authentication and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure user sessions. Implemented robust API endpoints for managing inventory items, including CRUD operations, and ensured secure access control through role-based authorization. Enhanced user experience by integrating validation and error handling for all requests, promoting a reliable and efficient inventory management process.
Contributed to the NutriLab project as the backend developer, responsible for designing and implementing RESTful APIs to manage nutritional data and user interactions. Leveraged Node.js and Express to create efficient endpoints for tracking dietary intake and analyzing nutritional information. Implemented user authentication and authorization using Passport.js and JWT, ensuring secure access to user data. Collaborated with team members to integrate the backend with the frontend, providing a seamless user experience in monitoring and managing dietary habits.